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Croatian Most Popular Words

Welcome to our Croatian list of the most popular words and expressions. If you memorize the whole vocabulary below, you will be able to communicate with most people in Afrikaas without many issues. Make sure you add this list to your must read pages so that you don't forget the words.

Coffee Arrow kava

Milk Arrow mlijeko

Breakfast Arrow doručak

Lunch Arrow ručak

Dinner Arrow večera

Bread Arrow kruh

Cheese Arrow sir

Chicken Arrow piletina

Eggs Arrow jaja

Fish Arrow riba

Food Arrow hrana

Fruit Arrow voće

Meat Arrow meso

Sandwich Arrow sendvič

Sugar Arrow šećer

Tea Arrow čaj

Tomatoes Arrow rajčice

Vegetables Arrow Povrće

Water Arrow voda

Belt Arrow remen

Clothes Arrow odjeća

Coat Arrow kaput

Dress Arrow haljina

Glasses Arrow naočale

Gloves Arrow rukavice

Hat Arrow šešir

Jacket Arrow jakna

Pants (Trousers) Arrow hlače

Ring Arrow prsten

Shirt Arrow majica

Shoes Arrow cipele

Socks Arrow čarape

Suit Arrow odijelo

Sweater Arrow džemper

Tie Arrow kravata

Umbrella Arrow kišobran

Underwear Arrow donje rublje

Wallet Arrow novčanik

Watch Arrow sat

Do you like my dress? Arrow sviđa li ti je moja haljina

Book Arrow knjiga

Books Arrow knjige

Chair Arrow stolica

Desk Arrow radni stol

Dictionary Arrow rječnik

Languages Arrow jezici

Library Arrow knjižnica

Laptop Arrow prijenosno računalo

Page Arrow stranica

Paper Arrow papir

Pen Arrow kemijska olovka

Question Arrow pitanje

School Arrow Škola

Student Arrow učenik

Teacher Arrow učitelj

University Arrow sveučilište

I have a question Arrow Imam pitanje

What's the name of that book? Arrow Kako se zove ta knjiga?

Arm Arrow ruka

Back Arrow leđa

Ear Arrow uho

Eye Arrow oko

Face Arrow lice

Feet Arrow noge

Fingers Arrow prsti

Hair Arrow kosa

Hand Arrow ruka

Head Arrow glava

Heart Arrow srce

Leg Arrow noga

Mouth Arrow usta

Neck Arrow vrat

Nose Arrow nos

Teeth Arrow zubi

She has beautiful eyes Arrow ona ima lijepe oči

Airplane Arrow zrakoplov

Airport Arrow zračna luka

Bus Arrow autobus

Bus station Arrow autobusni kolodvor

Car Arrow automobil

Flight Arrow let

Help Desk Arrow Služba za pomoć

Hotel Arrow hotel

Passport Arrow putovnica

Taxi Arrow taksi

Ticket Arrow karta

Tourism Arrow turizam

Train (noun) Arrow vlak

Train station Arrow željeznička stanica

By train Arrow vlakom

By car Arrow automobilom

By bus Arrow autobusom

By taxi Arrow taxijem

By airplane Arrow zrakoplovom

Do you accept credit cards? Arrow Može li se kod vas plaćati kreditnom karticom?

How much will it cost? Arrow Koliko će to koštati?

I have a reservation Arrow imam rezervaciju

I'd like to rent a car Arrow želim iznajmiti auto

I'm here on business /on vacation. Arrow tu sam poslovno/na odmoru

Is this seat taken? Arrow Je li ovo sjedalo slobodno?

Good luck! Arrow Sretno!

Happy birthday! Arrow Sretan rođendan!

Happy new year! Arrow Sretna nova godina!

Merry Christmas! Arrow Sretan Božić!

Baby Arrow Beba

Boy Arrow dječak

Brother Arrow brat

Child (female) Arrow dijete (žensko)

Child (male) Arrow dijete (muško)

Cousin (female) Arrow sestrična

Cousin (male) Arrow bratić

Daughter Arrow kći

Father Arrow otac

Girl Arrow djevojčica

Grandfather Arrow djed

Grandmother Arrow baka

Husband Arrow suprug

Man Arrow čovjek

Mother Arrow majka

People Arrow ljudi

Sister Arrow sestra

Son Arrow sin

Wife Arrow supruga

Woman Arrow žena

How old is your sister? Arrow Koliko ti sestra ima godina?

What's your brother called? Arrow Kako ti se zove brat?

Actor Arrow glumac

Actress Arrow glumica

Artist Arrow umjetnik

Businessman Arrow biznismen

Doctor Arrow liječnik

Nurse Arrow medicinska sestra

Policeman Arrow policajac

Singer Arrow pjevač

Student Arrow učenik

Teacher Arrow učitelj

Translator Arrow prevoditelj

He is a policeman Arrow on je policajac

I'm an artist Arrow ja sam umjetnik

I'm looking for a job Arrow tražim posao

Days Arrow Dani

Monday Arrow ponedjeljak

Tuesday Arrow utorak

Wednesday Arrow srijeda

Thursday Arrow četvrtak

Friday Arrow petak

Saturday Arrow subota

Sunday Arrow nedjelja

January Arrow siječanj

February Arrow veljača

March Arrow ožujak

April Arrow travanj

May Arrow svibanj

June Arrow lipanj

July Arrow srpanj

August Arrow kolovoz

September Arrow rujan

October Arrow listopad

November Arrow studeni

December Arrow prosinac

Autumn Arrow jesen

Winter Arrow zima

Spring Arrow proljeće

Summer Arrow ljeto

Time Arrow vrijeme

Hour Arrow sat

Minute Arrow minuta

Second Arrow drugi

I was born in July Arrow rođen sam u srpnju

I will visit you in August Arrow posjetit ću te u kolovozu

Cold Arrow hladno

Hot Arrow vruće

Rain Arrow kiša

Snow Arrow snijeg

Spring Arrow proljeće

Summer Arrow ljeto

Sun Arrow sunce

Sunny Arrow sunčano

Warm Arrow toplo

Wind Arrow vjetar

Windy Arrow vjetrovito

Winter Arrow zima

It is raining Arrow pada kiša

It is sunny Arrow sunčano je

It is windy Arrow puše vjetar

It's cold Arrow Hladno je

It's hot Arrow Vruće je

Bed Arrow krevet

Bedroom Arrow spavaća soba

Computer Arrow računalo

Door Arrow vrata

Furniture Arrow namještaj

House Arrow kuća

Kitchen Arrow kuhinja

Refrigerator Arrow hladnjak

Room Arrow soba

Television Arrow televizija

Toilet Arrow toalet

Window Arrow prozor

Can you open the window? Arrow Možete li otvoriti prozor?

I need to use the computer Arrow Trebam računalo

Arabic Arrow arapski

Moroccan Arrow Marokanac

Morocco Arrow Maroko

Chinese (language) Arrow kineski

Chinese (nationality) Arrow Kinez

China Arrow Kina

English Arrow engleski

British Arrow Britanac

Britain Arrow (Velika) Britanija

American Arrow Amerikanac

America Arrow Amerika

French (language) Arrow francuski

French (nationality) Arrow Francuz

France Arrow Francuska

Italian (language) Arrow talijanski

Italian (nationality) Arrow Talijan

Italy Arrow Italija

Japanese (language) Arrow japanski

Japanese (nationality) Arrow Japanac

Japan Arrow Japan

Russian (language) Arrow ruski

Russian (nationality) Arrow Rus

Russia Arrow Rusija

Spanish (language) Arrow španjolski

Spanish (nationality) Arrow Španjolac

Spain Arrow Španjolska

I don't speak Korean Arrow ne govorim korejski

I speak Italian Arrow govorim talijanski

I want to go to Germany Arrow Želim ići u Njemačku

I was born in Italy Arrow Rođen sam u Italiji

Black Arrow crna

Blue Arrow plava

Brown Arrow smeđa

Colors Arrow Boje

Green Arrow zelena

Orange Arrow narandžasta

Red Arrow crvena

White Arrow bijela

Yellow Arrow žuta

I have black hair Arrow imam crnu kosu

Your cat is white Arrow tvoja mačka je bijela

Far Arrow daleko

Here Arrow ovdje

Left Arrow lijevo

Right Arrow desno

Near Arrow blizu

Straight Arrow pravo

There Arrow tamo

Can I help you? Arrow Mogu li vam pomoći?

Can you help me? Arrow Možete li mi pomoći?

Can you show me? Arrow Možete li mi pokazati?

Come with me! Arrow pođite sa mnom

I'm lost Arrow Izgubio sam se

I'm not from here Arrow nisam odavde

Turn left Arrow skrenite lijevo

Turn right Arrow skrenite desno

Can you take less? Arrow Možete li uzeti manje?

Do you accept credit cards? Arrow Može li se kod vas plaćati kreditnom karticom?

How much is this? Arrow Koliko ovo košta?

I'm just looking Arrow Samo gledam

Only cash please! Arrow samo u gotovini

This is very expensive Arrow Ovo je vrlo skupo

I'm vegetarian Arrow Vegetarijanac sam

It is very delicious! Arrow veoma je ukusno

May we have the check please? Arrow Možemo li platiti?

The bill please! Arrow Molim račun

Waiter / waitress! Arrow konobar/konobarica

What do you recommend? (to eat) Arrow Što preporučate? (za jelo)

What's the name of this dish? Arrow Kako se zove ovo jelo?

Menu Arrow jelovnik

Spoon Arrow žlica

No problem! Arrow Nema problema

Accident Arrow nesreća

Ambulance Arrow hitna pomoć

Doctor Arrow liječnik

Headache Arrow glavobolja

Heart attack Arrow srčani udar

Help me Arrow pomozite mi

Hospital Arrow bolnica

Medicines Arrow lijekovi

Pharmacy Arrow ljekarna

Poison Arrow otrov

Police Arrow policija

Stomach ache Arrow bol u trbuhu

Are you okay? Arrow jeste li dobro?

Call a doctor! Arrow pozovite liječnika!

Call the ambulance! Arrow pozovite hitnu pomoć

Call the police! Arrow pozovite policiju

Calm down! Arrow Smirite se!

I feel sick Arrow Loše mi je

It hurts here Arrow ovdje me boli

It's urgent! Arrow Hitno je!

Stop! Arrow Stanite!

Thief! Arrow Lopov!

Animal Arrow životinja

Cat Arrow mačka

Dog Arrow pas

Horse Arrow konj

Do you have any animals? Arrow Imaš li životinja?

I have a dog Arrow imam psa

Small Arrow nizak

Big Arrow velik

Tall Arrow visok

Short Arrow kratak

Cheap Arrow jeftino

Expensive Arrow skupo

Good Arrow dobro

Bad Arrow loše

Wrong Arrow krivo

Right (correct) Arrow ispravno

New Arrow novo

Old (opposite of new) Arrow star

Young Arrow mlado

Old (opposite of young) Arrow star

Difficult Arrow teško

Easy Arrow lako

This is too expensive Arrow Ovo je preskupo

Am I right or wrong? Arrow Jesam li u pravu ili ne?

Here Arrow ovdje

There Arrow tamo

Quickly Arrow brzo

Really Arrow stvarno

Slowly Arrow polako

Always Arrow uvijek

Never Arrow nikad

Sometimes Arrow ponekad

Next week Arrow sljedeći tjedan

Now Arrow sada

Soon Arrow uskoro

Today Arrow danas

Tomorrow Arrow sutra

Tonight Arrow večeras

Yesterday Arrow jučer

Do you like it here? Arrow Sviđa li vam se ovdje?

See you later! Arrow do viđenja!

Thank you very much! Arrow puno hvala!

Woman Arrow žena

Women Arrow žene

Man Arrow čovjek

Men Arrow ljudi

Boy Arrow dječak

Boys Arrow dječaci

Girl Arrow djevojčica

Girls Arrow djevojčice

Country Arrow zemlja

Countries Arrow Države

We speak two languages Arrow Govorimo dva jezika

Cat Arrow mačka

Dog Arrow pas

Woman Arrow žena

Women Arrow žene

Mother Arrow majka

Sister Arrow sestra

I have a dog Arrow imam psa

I speak Italian Arrow govorim talijanski

A French teacher is here Arrow Ovdje je neki učitelj francuskog

The French teacher is here Arrow Ovdje je učitelj francuskog

Some languages are hard Arrow Neki jezici su teški

Many languages are easy Arrow Mnogi jezici su teški

The student speaks Korean Arrow Student govori korejski

A student speaks Korean Arrow Neki student govori korejski

Some students speak Korean Arrow Neki studenti govore korejski

In front of Arrow ispred

Behind Arrow iza

Before Arrow prije

After Arrow nakon

Inside Arrow unutra

With Arrow sa

Without Arrow bez

Outside Arrow izvan

On top of Arrow povrh

Under Arrow ispod

And Arrow i

Between Arrow između

But Arrow ali

For Arrow za

From Arrow iz

In Arrow u

Near Arrow blizu

Or Arrow ili

Can I practice Italian with you? Arrow Mogu li s tobom vježbati talijanski?

I speak French but with an accent Arrow Govorim francuski bez naglaska

Boy Arrow dječak

Girl Arrow djevojčica

Man Arrow čovjek

Woman Arrow žena

Father Arrow otac

Mother Arrow majka

Brother Arrow brat

Sister Arrow sestra

Cat (Masc.) Arrow mačak

Cat (Fem.) Arrow mačka

He is tall Arrow Visok je

She is tall Arrow Visoka je

He is a short man Arrow On je nizak muškarac

She is a short woman Arrow Ona je niska žena

One Arrow jedan

Two Arrow dva

Three Arrow tri

Four Arrow četiri

Five Arrow pet

Six Arrow šest

Seven Arrow sedam

Eight Arrow osam

Nine Arrow devet

Ten Arrow deset

I Arrow ja

You Arrow ti (+ vi: as 2. person pl.)

He Arrow on

She Arrow ona

We Arrow mi

You (plural) Arrow vi

They Arrow oni

I love you Arrow Volim te

Me Arrow mene

You Arrow tebe (+vas: as 2. person pl.)

Him Arrow njega

Her Arrow nju

Us Arrow nas

You (plural) Arrow vas

Them Arrow njih

Give me your phone number Arrow Dajte mi svoj broj telefona

I can give you my email Arrow Mogu vam dati svoj e-mail

My Arrow moj

Your Arrow tvoj

His Arrow njegov

Her Arrow njen

Our Arrow naš

Your (plural) Arrow vaš

Their Arrow njihov

His email is … Arrow Njegov e-mail je...

My phone number is … Arrow Moj broj telefona je...

How? Arrow Kako?

What? Arrow Što?

When? Arrow Kada?

Where? Arrow Gdje?

Who? Arrow Tko?

Why? Arrow Zašto?

Can I help you? Arrow Mogu li vam pomoći?

Can you help me? Arrow Možete li mi pomoći?

Do you speak English? Arrow Govorite li engleski?

How much is this? Arrow Koliko ovo košta?

What is your name? Arrow Kako se zoveš?

What time is it? Arrow Koliko je sati?

When can we meet? Arrow Gdje se možemo naći?

Where do you live? Arrow Gdje živite?

Who is knocking at the door? Arrow Tko kuca na vrata?

Why is it expensive? Arrow Zašto je to skupo?

No Arrow ne

Nothing Arrow ništa

Not yet Arrow ne još

No one Arrow nitko

No longer Arrow ne više

Never Arrow nikad

Cannot Arrow ne može

Should not Arrow ne treba

Don't worry! Arrow ne brini

I cannot remember the word Arrow Ne mogu se sjetiti riječi

I do not speak Japanese Arrow Ne govorim japanski

I don't know! Arrow Ne znam

I'm not fluent in Italian yet Arrow Još ne govorim tečno talijanski

No one here speaks Greek Arrow Ovdje nitko ne govori grčki

No problem! Arrow Nema problema

To drive Arrow voziti

To drive Arrow voziti

To give Arrow dati

To have Arrow imati

To know Arrow znati

To understand Arrow razumijeti

To work Arrow raditi

To write Arrow pisati

He understands me Arrow Razumije me

He understood me Arrow Razumio me

He will understand me Arrow Razmijet će me

I see you Arrow Vidim vas

He reads a book Arrow Čita knjige

He understands me Arrow Razumije me

She has a cat Arrow Ima mačku

She knows my friend Arrow Pozna mog prijatelja

We want to learn Arrow Želimo učiti

We think Spanish is easy Arrow Mislimo da je španjolski lagan

They drive a car Arrow Voze automobil

They smile Arrow Smiju se

I saw you Arrow Vidio sam te

I wrote with a pen Arrow Pisao sam kemijskom olovkom

You loved apples Arrow Volio si jabuke

You gave money Arrow Dao si novac

You played tennis Arrow Igrao si tenis

He understood me Arrow Razumio me

She had a cat Arrow Imao je mačku

She knew my friend Arrow Poznala je mog prijatelja

We wanted to learn Arrow Htjeli smo učiti

They smiled Arrow Smijali su se

I will see you Arrow Vidjet ću te

I will write with a pen Arrow Pisat ću kemijskom olovkom

He will read a book Arrow Čitat će knjigu

He will understand me Arrow Razmijet će me

We will think about you Arrow Mislit ćemo na tebe

Go! Arrow Idi!

Stop! Arrow Stanite!

Don't Go! Arrow Ne idi!

Stay! Arrow Ostani!

Come here! Arrow Dođi ovamo!

Be quiet! Arrow Šuti!

Go straight Arrow idite ravno

Wait! Arrow Čekaj!

Let's go! Arrow Idemo!

Sit down! Arrow Sjedni!

Good Arrow dobro

Better Arrow Bolji

Best Arrow Najbolji

Bad Arrow loše

Worse Arrow Gori

Worst Arrow Najgori

Taller Arrow viši

Shorter Arrow niži

Younger Arrow stariji

Older Arrow mlađi

As tall as Arrow visok kao

Taller than Arrow viši od

Shorter than Arrow niži od

More beautiful Arrow ljepši

Less beautiful Arrow manje lijep

Most beautiful Arrow najljepši

Happy Arrow sretno

Happier Arrow sretniji

Happiest Arrow najsretniji

You are happy Arrow Sretan si

You are as happy as Maya Arrow Sretan si kao Maya

You are happier than Maya Arrow Sretniji si od Maye

You are the happiest Arrow Najsretniji si

Hi! Arrow zdravo

Good morning! Arrow dobro jutro

Good afternoon! Arrow dobar dan

Good evening! Arrow dobra večer

How are you? (polite) Arrow kako Ste?

How are you? (friendly) Arrow kako si?

What's up? (colloquial) Arrow kako je?

I'm fine, thank you! Arrow dobro, hvala

And you? (polite) Arrow a Vi?

And you? (friendly) Arrow a ti?

Good Arrow dobro

Do you speak English? Arrow Govorite li engleski?

Just a little Arrow slabo

What's your name? Arrow Kako se zovete?

My name is (John Doe) Arrow Zovem se (Marko Marković)

Mr.../ Mrs. .../ Miss... Arrow g./ gđa / gđica

Nice to meet you! Arrow Drago mi je!

You're very kind! Arrow Vrlo ste ljubazni

Where are you from? Arrow Otkuda ste?

I'm from the U.S Arrow Dolazim iz SAD-a

I'm American Arrow Amerikanac sam

Where do you live? Arrow Gdje živite?

I live in the U.S Arrow Živim u SAD-u

Do you like it here? Arrow Sviđa li vam se ovdje?

How old are you? Arrow Koliko imate godina?

I'm (twenty, thirty...) Years old Arrow Imam (dvadeset, trideset) godina

Are you married? Arrow Jeste li udati/oženjeni?

Do you have children? Arrow Imate li djece?

I have to go Arrow Moram ići

I will be right back! Arrow Odmah se vraćam!

Nice to meet you! Arrow Drago mi je!

Can I practice Italian with you? Arrow Mogu li s tobom vježbati talijanski?

My French is bad Arrow loše govorim francuski

I need to practice my French Arrow moram vježbati francuski

Would you like to go for a walk? Arrow Jeste li za šetnju?

Can I have your phone number? Arrow Mogu li dobiti vaš broj telefona?

Can I have your email? Arrow Mogu li dobiti vaš e-mail?

Are you married? Arrow Jeste li udati/oženjeni?

I'm single Arrow Neudata sam/ neoženjen sam

Are you free tomorrow evening? Arrow Jeste li slobodni sutra nevečer?

I would like to invite you for dinner Arrow Pozvao bih vas na večeru

Where do you live? Arrow Gdje živite?

When can we meet? Arrow Gdje se možemo naći?

Do you like it? Arrow Sviđa li vam se?

I really like it! Arrow Jako mi se sviđa

I love you Arrow Volim te

Would you marry me? Arrow Biste li se udali za mene?

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Inspirational Quote: A coward gets scared and quits. A hero gets scared, but still goes on.

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